Quinton Oswald's profile

Lucentis for Treating Wet AMD

Quinton Oswald, from Vero Beach, Florida, is a healthcare industry professional with over 2 decades of experience. He has worked for reputable companies such as Novartis ,Genentech,Sarcode Corporation, Neurotech, and Notal Vision. At Notal Vision, Quinton Oswald served as CEO. The company has created a system to allow eye doctors to remotely diagnose and monitor their patients, allowing for effective treatment for eye diseases such as AMD.

AMD, or age-related macular degeneration, involves unusual blood vessel growth under the macula, the central part of the retina that enables sharp vision. It can cause blurred central vision, making tasks like reading and driving difficult. AMD can be “dry” or “wet.” Dry AMD results from the gradual breakdown of light-sensitive cells in the macula, and can turn into wet AMD, the more serious form, characterized by sudden and severe vision loss.

Pharmaceuticals are now available to deal with AMD. Lucentis, for example, is a brand name for the drug ranibizumab, is an injectable that ophthalmologists administer directly into the patient's eye to treat wet AMD and other retinal problems like diabetic eye disease. Lucentis contains an antibody called anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) that blocks the unusual development of blood cells in the back of the eye, preventing leakage and preserving vision.

Lucentis for Treating Wet AMD

Lucentis for Treating Wet AMD
